Microwaves meet life science and technology: challenges and opportunities

Speaker: Ilja Ocket

Company/ Institute: imec / KU Leuven – TELEMIC

Event: 14th work meeting – Remote Sensing Technologies

Date: 10 December 2013


In recent years microwaves are receiving increasing attention as a probing mechanism into the behavior of the building blocks of living matter, from proteins to whole cells and cell cultures. Microwave (and millimeter wave) techniques could play a significant role in future life science research because of a few clear technological advantages compared to existing techniques, such as easy of miniaturization, integration with microfluidics, high throughput due to massive parallelization, low cost, etc. But from the perspective of biology, there are also inherent reasons for wanting to probe using microwaves, such as better penetration depth, the high sensitivity to changes in biological water properties, etc. In this presentation, we will discuss possible future applications and some of the foreseeable challenges that need to be tackled when applying microwaves in microfluidic platforms. We will report on the first steps that have been taken at ESAT-TELEMIC into this new research area and how we intend to proceed in the future.

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