Accurate wireless localization for secure and easy access to buildings, services, and information

Speaker: Guido Dolmans, Chief Scientist, imec-NL @ Holst Centre & Professor TU Eindhoven

Company/ Institute: imec

Event: 24th workshop

Date: 7 December 2017


Already modern cars will unlock their doors or trunk by just being in close proximity with your wireless key. But these traditional (yet new!) systems can be fooled to allow fraudulent unlocking at large distance and they mostly require a separate key. Imec’s secure proximity technology addresses these issues by making a software implementation on top of standard Bluetooth radio technology included in a smartphone. In addition imec’s solution has a high accuracy better than half a meter and is protected via advanced encryption from imec’s COSIC research group. This technology can be used also for access to smart homes, locating people and items in smart buildings, and professional services like commissioning installations in buildings, and receiving location and patient based information in a hospital. We can demonstrate this state-of-art performance during the event, implemented on of-the-shelf hardware.

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